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Anti money laundering workshop at IBBL

Islami Bank Training & Research Academy, Chittagong Regional Center organized a workshop on anti money laundering on 20 December, 2014 at its Agrabad office.

Mizanur Rahman Joddar, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank Chittagong office attended the program as chief guest. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of the Bank presided over the program. Abdus Sadeque Bhuiyan, Executive Vice President and Deputy Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer of IBBL, Asim Kumar Chowdhury, Joint Director and Shoaib Chowdhury, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank Chittagong Office were the resource persons.

Dr. Mahmud Ahmad, Executive Vice President and Head of Islami Bank Training & Research Academy, Chittagong Regional Center, Muhammad Amirul Islam and Md. Mostafizur Rahman Siddiqee, Executive Vice Presidents and Head of Chittagong South and North Zone of the Bank respectively were present in the program.

One hundred officials from various branches under Chittagong North and South, Comilla and Noakhali Zone of the Bank attended the workshop.

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