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‘Digital World 2015′ kicks off tomorrow

Commenting about the overall preparation of the event, Russel T Ahmed, Convener of the Organizing Committee of Digital World 2015 said: “This year nearly 85 persons from various tech giants have agreed to join Digital World so far. In addition to that Ministerial delegates from 5 countries will be attending Ministerial Conference, Women in IT will be holding a special conference, and we will be having Conference on IT Career of students, Titanium Conference for Mobile Developers. We will also be having a Digital Experience Zone.

He also informed that the guest list includes Ben King, Head of Sales, South Asia Emerging Markets at Google, Bickey Russell Head of Agency Development, Global SMB Revenue Organisation, Google, Katie Sanders, Marketing Specialist (contractor role) Google, Linne Ha Senior Program Manager, Machine Intelligence, Ravi Rajakumar Software Engineer, Google Speech, Arne Mauser Software engineer, Google Translate, GDG Bangladesh Country Manager Jabed Sultan Pias, Ankhi Das Director & Head of Public Policy, Facebook India, Houlin Zhao ITU Secretary-General, Boydlee Pollentine Founder Tipsy & Tumbler, Dave Nielsen Founder CloudCamp, Venk Shukla, President TiE Silicon Valley, Ian Shakil Cofounder and CEO of Augmedix, Martin Labbe ITC, NTF III Bangladesh Project Manager, Avinash Vashistha Chairman Accenture – India, Head Martin Malmstrom will also be attending Digital World. ’

For the first time ever, a ‘National ICT Award’ will be presented at this convention. For individuals and companies who have made a significant mark in the industry, 47 public, 7 private and 4 in special category; in total 58 awards of recognition will be given.

From the 7 divisions of the country, the best DC, OC, TNO, Deputy Commissioner (land), Upozila Digital Center, Digital Educational Institution, along with a Best Digital City, Digital Municipal, Digital Hospital, Bank and e-Initiative and e-Entrepreneur will be awarded. In the private sector, 5 best IT inventions, one female tech personality and one technology personality will be presented with lifetime achievement awards. Aside from this, 4 companies from the ones that participated in this conference will also be awarded in the last day of the expo.

Association of Mobile Telecom Operators of Bangladesh (AMOTOB), Bangladesh Association of Call Center & Outsourcing (BACCO), Bangladesh Computer Shamity (BCS), Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF), Bangladesh Women in Technology (BWIT), CTO Forum, Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh & Silicon Valley based ICT organization TiE Bangladesh are working as the partner for this Expo.


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