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Islami Bank booms market price by Q2 EPS

Islamic Bank Bangladesh Ltd (IBBL) makes Net profit 246% more than previous year. Hopefully this bank is going upward through it’s standard operational activities. The Investors may expect a handsome return from IBBL.

Furthermore, the reports shows consolidated Net Profit after tax (excluding non-controlling interests) from Jan-15 to June-15 was Tk. 3,395.24 m. with consolidated EPS of Tk. 2.11 as against Tk. 974.06 m. and Tk. 0.61 respectively for the same period of the previous year. Whereas consolidated Net Profit after tax (excluding non-controlling interests) from April-15 to June-15 was Tk. 2,994.46 m. with consolidated EPS of Tk. 1.86 as against Tk. 590.01 m. and Tk. 0.37 respectively for the same period of the previous year.

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