Mahbub ul Alam new AMD of IBBL

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) has appointed Md Mahbub ul Alam as Additional Managing Director. Currently, he is heading the Corporate Investment Wing, and Investment (Credit) Committee of the bank. As Deputy Managing Director, he performed responsibilities in International Banking Wing, Operations Wing and Retail Investment Wing of the bank.

Md. Mahbub ul AlamMr. Mahbub joined in Islami Bank in 1984. During his long 33 years career, he served the bank in different capacities as Head of different Branches including as Branch Manager of Local Office, the largest operational unit of the bank, and Head of Different Division at Head Office.

An FIT Graduate of Parish based ICC, Mr. Alam is a member of ICC Standing Committee for Banking Technique & Practice, and a regular resource person in various academic and training institutes including BIBM, BBTA, and BAB. He obtained Masters Degree with Honours in Marketing from University of Dhaka in 1982.


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