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NRBC Bank Financials signed

The Audited Financials of  NRBC Bank (NRB Commercial Bank Limited) for the period ended on 31st December 2014 was signed recently at the Boardroom of the Bank.

The Financials were signed by Engr. Farasath Ali, Chairman of the Bank; Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury, Vice Chairman; Mr. Mohammed Adnan Imam,FCCA, Chairman Audit Committee and Mr. Dewan Mujibur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO.

In the signing ceremony present among others were Engr. Syed Munsif Ali, Chairman Risk Management Committee;  Alternate Director Mr. A M Saidur Rahman, Mr. Marzanur Rahman, Dr. Rafiqul Islam Khan,  Deputy Managing Director Mr. Md. Shoaib Ahmed, EVP & Company Secretary Mr. Md. Rafiquzzaqman and Chief Financial Officer Mr. Harunur Rashid.

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