An agreement was recently signed between Access to Information (A2I) of the Prime Minister’s office and NRBC Bank. As per the agreement any person would be able to avail all sorts of agent banking services through the Union information service centers of A2I all over the country.
The Signing Ceremony was attended among others by the officer of access to Information Mr. Naimur Rahman Mukter, Mr. Zunayed Alam and Senior Executive Vice President of NRBC Bank Mr. Arif Mohammad Sahedul Haque.
Senior Executive Vice President Mr. Md. Shafayet Wahed, Senior Vice President Mr. Kazi Md Safayet Kabir, Vice President Mr. Dipak Kumar Chakraborty, Asstt. Vice President Mr. M M Moshiur Rahman of NRBC Bank was also present on the occasion.