RAK okays 25pc cash dividend

The Board of Directors of RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Ltd has recommended 25 percent cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2014.

dse cseThe Company has further informed the following:1. The entire shareholding i.e. 1,92,500 number of ordinary shares of BDT 100/- each of RAK-MOSFLY (Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd. held by RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited [Associate of RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited be sold to Dr. M.A. Malek [ existing shareholder of RAK-MOSFLY (Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd. BDT 100/- per share totaling to :BDT 1,92,50,000/- only subject to approval by the concerned authorities. 2.

The Board has also decided that amendment /alteration of Article -90 of the Article of Association of the company regarding the Board meeting attendance fee of the Directors subject to the approval by the shareholders in the EGM. 3. Addition a new Article, Article-106A after the Article -106 of the Article of Association of the Company for holding of the meeting of the Board of Directors and/or committee of Directors meeting by using modern communication means such as telephonic conference calls or video conferencing subject to the approval by the shareholders in the EGM.

Date of EGM and AGM: 25.03.2015, Time of EGM and AGM: 10:00 AM and 10:30 AM respectively, Venue: International Convention City, Bashundhara (Pushpoguscho), Joarshahara, Purbachal Link Road, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229. Record date: 17.02.2015. The Company has also reported net profit after tax of Tk. 562.79 million, EPS of Tk. 1.67, NAV per share of Tk. 17.57 and NOCFPS of Tk. 1.84 for the year ended on December 31, 2014 as against Tk. 682.41 million, Tk. 2.03 (restated), Tk. 18.99 and Tk. 2.66 (restated) respectively for the year ended on December 31, 2013. There will be no price limit on the trading of the shares of the Company today (04.02.2015) following its corporate declaration.


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