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Robi signs deal with Delta Health, Samdib Sweaters

Mobile phone operator Robi Axiata Limited signed an agreement with Delta Health Care Chittagong Ltd. at Muradpur and Samdib Sweaters Ltd at Dewanhat in Chittagong on 15th July, 2014.

Under the agreement from now Delta Health Care Chittagong Ltd. and Samdib Sweaters Ltd. will use Robi SME corporate connections. Delta Health Care Chittagong Ltd. will also use Robi’s different lucrative VAS and DATA service. Through the signing agreements its make possible for Robi to build long term relationship with the companies.

Mr. Supun Weerasinghe, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & MD Robi Axiata Limited and Dr. Tapan Kumar Poddar, Managing Director, Delta Health Care Chittagong Ltd signed the deal on behalf of their respective organizations.

From Robi Mr. Nazir Ahmed, Executive Vice President, Develop Market, Mr. Rezwan Hamid Shezan, Regional Manager, CTG Region, Mr. Mostofa Al Mamun, Manager Business Sales & Service, Mr. Mostafijur Rahman, Manager Business Sales & Service and from Delta Health Care Chittagong Ltd, Professor Dr. Abdul Alim, Chairman, Dr. Ashraful Kabir, Chief Coordinator and Dr. Md. Abdul Alim, Director were present in the signing ceremony.

Otherhand, Mr. Nazir Ahmed, Executive Vice President, Develop Market, Robi Axiata Limited and Mr. Ashraf Uddin, General Manager, Samdib Sweaters Ltd. signed the deal on behalf of their respective organizations.

From Robi Mr. Rezwan Hamid Shezan, Regional Manager, CTG Region; Md. Wayesul Haque, Manager, Business Sales & Service; Mr. Mostafijur Rahman, Manager, Business Sales & Service and from Samdib Sweaters Ltd Mr. Josim, Manager were present in the signing ceremony.

On the occasion of the signing ceremony with Samdib Sweaters Ltd. Mr. Supun Weerasinghe handed out SME new Package JOYEETA to four Garments worker which is specially design for RMG workers.

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