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Muhith praises BHBFC

Presided over by Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith, a meeting on refinancing of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) was held at Bank and Financial Institution Auditorium in the city recently. image003Among others, Chairman to the Board of Directors Sheikh Aminuddin Ahmed, Managing Director Dr. Md. Nurul Alam Talukder, Director Md. Jalal Uddin and Bhobesh Chandra Podder, Addition Secretary of Finance Ministry Jalal Ahmed and Additional Secretary of Bank and Financial Institution Gokul Chand Dash & Md. Fazlul Haque were presen...

BHBFC Board approves its annual audit report

The Board of Directors of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) approved 2013-2014 Annual Audit Report of the organization on Tuesday (7th July-2015). BHBFC AuditChairman to the board of directors Sheikh Aminuddin Ahmed, along with other Directors and the Managing Director of BHBFC signed the report that shows 193.18 crore taka profit. According to the report BHBFC sanctioned and disbursed 285.18 & 388.90 crore taka respectively in the financial year 2013-2014. In this year the corporation recovered 459.18 crore taka. B...
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