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Robi announces offer with Air Alliance

Robi high value customers under Dhonnobad programme can now enjoy international standard courier service from UPS’s authorized service contractor Air Alliance Limited. In this connection, Robi’s General Manager, Loyalty & Winbacks, Tawfique Imam and Air UPS  RobiAlliance’s Director, Customer Service, Ms Faiqa Naser have recently signed an agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. The exclusive agreement allows Robi’s Platinum Ace, Platinum, Diamond, Gold and Silver category customers under Dhonnobad pro...

PBL 2nd Managers’ Confce of Mymensingh Region

[caption id="attachment_19980" align="alignright" width="540"]2nd Managers Conf  Mymensing 2015 The ‘2nd Managers Conference-2015’ participated by all Managers of Mymensingh Region of Pubali Bank Limited was held recently to motivate them to increase Bank’s business by rendering better services. Safiul Alam Khan Chowdhury, Deputy Managing Director of Pubali Bank Ltd. graced the conference as Chief Guest. M Shahnawaz Chowdhury, General Manager of Head Office was present as Special Guest. DGM and RM of Mymensingh region...
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