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India, BD launch survey in enclaves over nationality

India and Bangladesh on Monday launched a joint survey to record the “choice of nationality” of 51,584 people in 162 enclaves in each other’s territories ahead of the July 31 integration of the land with the respective mainland under the historic Land Boundary Agreement (LBA). Officials said 50 teams began the survey in 111 Indian enclaves in Bangladesh while 25 teams went inside India to carry out the identical task in 51 enclaves in India. They are expected to complete the survey by July 23. The launch of the survey comes exactly enclave people

Census in 165 enclaves begins tomorrow

Census of people living in 162 enclaves now under a process of exchange between India and Bangladesh, is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Monday). The last census was carried out jointly by Bangladesh and India in 2011. enclave peopleThe census to be conducted by 75 teams comprising representatives from both the neighbouring countries, will continue until 16 July and the census report would be released on 20 July. Of the enclaves, 51 Bangladeshi enclaves are located inside Indian territory and 111 Indian enclaves are inside Bangladesh. ...
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