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Islami Bank

BB to keep conventional, Islamic banks separate

Bangladesh will keep conventional and Islamic banks operating separately from each other because of concern about possible violations of sharia principles, although the decision is not permanent, the central bank’s deputy governor told Reuters. The central bank will not approve applications by conventional banks to convert themselves bb-logointo Islamic ones and is barring the use of Islamic windows, which let conventional banks offer Islamic financial services provided client money is segregated. “It is our observation that it created complications ...

IBBL Local Branch holds Ramadan discussion

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) Local Office organised a discussion on ‘Role of Mahe Ramadan in purifying wealth and soul’ at BCIC auditorium on 6 July 2015. iftar--06-07Muhammad Abul Bashar, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank addressed the program as chief guest while Md. Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan FCA and Md. Shamsuzzaman, Deputy Managing Directors were present. Md. Shafiqur Rahman, Executive Vice President and head of the Branch chaired the program. Dr. Hasan Mohammad Moinuddin, member, shariah supervisory committee of the bank present...
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