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Govt plans census for undocumented Rohingya

Bangladesh is to hold a census of hundreds of thousands of undocumented Rohingya who have crossed into the country seeking refuge from persecution in neighbouring Myanmar. Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque said the government had earmarked $2.7 million for the census to be carried out in Bangladesh’s southeast, near the border with Myanmar’s Rakhine state, reports AFP. rohingya-childrenOfficial estimates have put the number of undocumented Rohingya in Bangladesh at between 200,000 and 500,000, in addition to around 32,000 registere...

Myanmar finds 102 stranded BD migrants on island

Myanmar’s navy has discovered more than 100 Bangladeshi migrants stranded for nearly a month on a southern island, state media said on Tuesday, following a regional migrant crisis in which people smugglers abandoned thousands at sea. It was the first major rescue reported by Myanmar since May, when its navy found a boat packed with more than 700 migrants in the Andaman Sea at the height of Southeast Asia’s migrant boat crisis. [caption id="attachment_18152" align="alignright" width="648"]rohingya_migrants_1 Myanmar's navy discovers over ...
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