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Vegetables’ price increases due to political turmoil

The price of vegetables has increased by Tk10 to 15 per kg, as post poll violence, hartal and blockade affected country’s communication sector.

Though vegetables growers are not getting return of their investment due to low price, the consumers in Dhaka city pay high price to buy those.  The traders say that the transport fare had been increased three times by this time.

Godown owner Suja Uddin, of Karwan Bazar has said that the truck drivers demanded Tk 60,000 on Thursday, as fare from Natore, against the normal fare of Tk25, 000.

“I have invested Tk 5,00,000 to five vegetables farmers of Natore district on condition of supplying in time. But violence over January 5 election caused a massive loss to me,” He said.

However, on Friday, newly harvest potato was selling in retail markets at Tk 18 to 24 per kg, green chilli at Tk50 to 60, bean at Tk 30 to 40, brinjal at Tk 40 to 45, snake gourd at Tk 40, bitter gourd at Tk 30, green bean at Tk 50, cucumber at Tk 25, tomato Tk40, green tomato at Tk25 to 30, carrot at Tk30 to 35, radish at Tk 20, cauliflower at Tk30 per piece, cabbage at Tk 25 per piece, teasel gourd at Tk 60, zucchini at Tk 25 and coriander leaves at Tk 100 per kg. A medium size of ash gourd pumpkin and gourd were selling at Tk 30 respectively.

As for fish, barbal and scorpion were selling at Tk 700 to Tk 800 per kilo each, ruhit at Tk 250 to 400, carp at Tk 300 to Tk 450, shrimp and lobster at Tk 400 to Tk 600, pangas at Tk 150-170, tilapia at Tk 150 to Tk 180, mola for Tk 220, climbing fish at Tk 250 to 600, lata at Tk 200 to Tk 240, tatkini at Tk 200 to Tk 220, sheat fish at Tk 300 to Tk 500, small fry fish for Tk 250 and butter fish at Tk 660 to Tk 700.

The broiler chicken was selling at Tk 140 to 150, and the local fowl at Tk 400 to 550 per kg, showing upward trend. But beef and red meat price remained unchanged at Tk 290 to Tk 300 per kg and at Tk 400-450 respectively.

In contrast, the price of local and imported hybrid onion has decreased by Tk10 per kg and selling at Tk 50 kg and Tk45 on Friday. Garlic was selling Tk 80 (China) and Tk 75 (local), while ginger (local) at Tk 120 and imported one at Tk 140 respectively.

Of the rice, Minicate was selling at Tk 50 to 54 per kg, nazirshail varieties at Tk 50 to 62, the Lata variety at Tk 40-44 and coarse variety at Tk 40-42. A packet of coarse flour (containing two kgs) was selling at Tk 85-90 on Friday, an increase of Tk 10 per kg.

The price of different verities of red lentil also rose by Tk 4 per kg and it was selling between Tk 80 and Tk 135. The price of bottled soybean oil (five litres) remained unchanged and it was selling at Tk 570-Tk 585 in the city’s kitchen markets. The unpacked soybean oil was retailing at Tk 114-118 per kg.

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