‘Bank Asia Bhaban’, regional head office of Bank Asia has been inaugurated at Agrabad in the port city of Chittagong on Saturday (8 November, 2014) aiming to provide faster service to clients.
Mr. A. Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of the Bank, formally inaugurated the new building. Former Chairman of the Bank Mr. Anisur Rahman Sinha, Executive Vice Chairperson of Rangs Group Mrs. Zakia Rouf Chowdhury, Vice Chairmen of Bank Asia Mr. AM Nurul Islam and Mr. Mohd. Safwan Choudhury, Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Rumee A Hossain, Audit Committee Chairman Mr. Mohammed Lakiatullah, Directors Mr. M. Irfan Syed and Mr. Shah Md. Nurul Alam, former Director Mr. Jahir Uddin, Vice Chairman of Rangs Group Mr. Amanullah Chowdhury, President & Managing Director Mr. Md. Mehmood Husain, Additional Managing Director Mr. Aminul Islam and Deputy Managing Directors Mr. Mohammed Roshangir, Mrs. Humaira Azam and Mr. Md. Arfan Ali were present.
Subsequent to opening of Bank Asia Bhaban, Mr. A Rouf Chowdhury formally launched activities of Central Trade Service Unit (CTSU), Chittagong Hub of the bank.
Starting its operation in 1999, Bank Asia is one of the most innovative banks in the country’s banking sector. It offers a wide range of financial services that covers the entire spectrum of banking operations including Agent Banking, Islamic Banking, SME financing, e-banking, Mobile Banking, ATM, etc under its online platform to deliver the highest standard of services to its clientele, ably supported by the use of state-of-the-art technology.