Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) has earned a profit of Tk. 85.76 crore during 6 months in the fiscal year 2013-2014.
From July 2013 to December 2013, the Corporation gained income totaling to Tk. 122.04 crore. During the same period of the last fiscal year the amount was Tk. 111.97 crore and the amount of expenditure was Tk. 36.28 crore.
The amount of loan sanction, disbursement and recovery were respectively Tk. 222.20 crore, 225.97 crore and 200.45 crore that result in total loan balance is Tk. 2,929.84 crore. Compared to December’ 2012, it increased to 8.55 per cent.
The amount of classified loan was Tk. 233.18 crore (percentage of classified and unclassified loan respectively 7.96 per cent and 92.04 per cent). There is no provision deficit in the Reserve for Bad and Doubtful Debts of the corporation.