BWCCI demands Tk 100cr grant for women entrepreneurs

A 9 delegation from Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI) led by its immediate past President Sangita Ahmed submitted some proposals for the fiscal year 2015-16 in the “Pre-Budget Discussion Session” called by Begum Rowshan Ershad, leader of the opposition of Bangladesh Parliament, at National Parliament Bhaban. The proposals are:


Continuation of 100 cores taka as grant for women entrepreneurship development as previous fiscal year.

Allocation for the establishment of Incubator program for women entrepreneur.

Introducing tax-free income limit up to Tk. 3,500,000 for women.

Facilitating free registration for women entrepreneurs in international trade fairs and allow to carry product minimumof BDT 5 lacs.

Allocate 15% from the Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF).

Separate Bank establishment for women entrepreneur.

Reserving priority based quota for women entrepreneurs in proposed economic zones and industrial park.

Exemption of vat and tax on the related expenses fortrainings, fairs, workshops and seminarsfor women entrepreneurs and their institutes.

Allocating 10 core taka for women entrepreneur against the business loses due to the reason of strike across the country.

Exemption of tax and vat fees up to sell on 50 lacs for the business institute of women entrepreneur.

Rewarding the women entrepreneurs who pay regularly tax.

Reserve quota for women entrepreneur for the selection of CIP.

Introducing 4% vat in all steps.

Need to increase the amount of cash incentive for the production and export of potato to sustain in the competition with India and Pakistan. At present the cash incentive rate is 20% and from it 3% tax deducted. Required to exemption of this 3% tax.

Introducing duty free tariffto import the Mulching Sheet in the production of potato.

Introducing up to 5% tax for importing the raw materialsof leather goods for women entrepreneur.

Exemption of tax to import machineriesfor women entrepreneur.

Ensure the representation of women entrepreneur in the Import Trade Control Committee.

Ensure the fast and flexible process for the investigation of pre-shipment.

Reducing the rate for women entrepreneur from61% vat and tax to import the printing paper.

All anomalies in custom procedure must be removed and made friendly for women entrepreneur

Introducing the bank loan interest 7% to 9% for women entrepreneurs.

Introducing tax free opportunity up to two years against the bank loan for women entrepreneur.

A policy should be adopted by the Central bank of Bangladesh to instruct all schedule commercial banks and non-banks to disbursed at least 3% from targeted landing (which is 15% of SME refinancing loan) from all branches for commercial bank.

Adoption and implementation of separate market/ quota policy for women entrepreneurs. Decentralized and increase the decision making process and financial capacity of local government institutions to establish a separate market/quota for women entrepreneurs.

Our tourism sector should be more secure for the visitors. Transportation and communication system should be more improved so that the women entrepreneurs can travel to our country securely

To exempt the fees in international trade fairs so that women entrepreneurs can participate more.


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