5:21 pm - Friday July 20, 7427
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Qatar Airways boosted flights to Bangladesh

Qatar Airways has boosted its scheduled flights to Bangladesh and Eritrea, the Doha-based airline announced on Sunday. From September 7, 2015, flights from Doha to Asmara, the capital city and largest city in Eritrea, will be increased from four to five times per week, representing a 25 percent increase qatar airwaysin capacity. Equally, from December 9, 2015, flights from Doha to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, will also be increased, jumping from 10 to 14 weekly, effectively increasing capacity by 40 percent. Qatar Airways Group Ch...

United Airways makes emergency landing in India

A United Airways Bangladesh plane with 173 people on board made an emergency landing at the Vivekananda Airport in Raipur, capital of the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh on Friday evening. The plane, which was on its way to Muscat from Dhaka in Bangladesh, developed an engine problem, forcing it United-Airwaysto divert and land at the Raipur airport, an airport official said. “The plane landed at 7pm.” All the necessary arrangements were made before landing. Fire engines and ambulances were stationed near the runway, he added. A tea...

Etihad officer held for gold smuggling

A security officer with the Etihad Airways was found involved in gold smuggling at the Mumbai airport as he was receiving gold smuggled by a passenger in a cigarette packet, reports The Indian Express. The passenger admitted handing over gold to the security officer on four earlier occasions, said Customs officials according to The Indian Express. deepak-golani-1wbPassenger Sunil Jagwani was intercepted by officers of Air Intelligence Unit when he was handing over gold to Deepak Golani who was in-charge of security for all Etihad ...

Addl flights boosts Oman-Bangladesh link

Growing trade and tourism links between the Sultanate and Bangladesh is luring airlines to deploy more flights in this route. The national carrier, Oman Air, will launch services to Dhaka from August 2015, offering citizens and residents more choice within Oman Air’s continually expanding network. The launch of these new services is part of Oman Air’s ambitious programme of expansion and follows the highly successful introduction to their network of services to Goa, Singapore, Manila and Jakarta. oman flightsOman Air flies to Dh...

United Airways’ U-turn over firearms

AMIDLANDS luxury pheasant shoot for mega-rich Americans has been saved after the party of millionaires was finally allowed to bring their guns into Birmingham Airport. And that, say Conneticut organisers of the event which takes in five of the region’s most spectacular homes, is a massive boost for the local economy. United-AirwaysLast year the 30-strong party splashed out around Pounds 200,000, claims John LaPenta, head of Country Sports and Travel LLC, which runs the VIP trips. The week-long Edwardian-themed shoot costs Pounds 10,000...

Biman new MD hopes to serve travelling needs

Mr. Kyle Haywood, the new CEO & Managing Director of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, sits with United World to discuss the company’s strategies for expansion, as well as the growth of the flag carrier, and advice to those looking to invest in Bangladesh. You have been here a little over 6 weeks now, and you really hit the ground running. Biman represents a challenge, as well as a tremendous opportunity, with the air transport sector experiencing kyle-haywoodaround 8% annual growth. Where do you see Biman fitting into the future of Bang...
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