Dhaka Bank mourns death of its DMD

Dhaka Bank family deeply mourns the sad demise of Mr. Neaz Mohammad Khan, Deputy Managing Director of Dhaka Bank Limited.

Neaz Mohammad KhanHe breathed his last at Square Hospital, Dhaka on December 7, 2014 at the age of 57 (Inna Lillah he wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun) (Truly, to Allah we belong, Truly, To him we shall return).

He is survived by his wife, a son, a daughter and a host of well wishers.

Mr. Neaz was born in May 21, 1957 at Munshiganj. He was the fifth child of Late Atiqur Rahman Khan and Late Noorjahan Begum. He was a skilled banker with more than 31 years of rewarding mulch-dimensional experiences. He started his Banking career with Bangladesh Krishi Bank. He joined Dhaka Bank in 1995 as Senior Assistant Vice President and served till his demise.


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