DSE net foreign investment up

The net foreign investment in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) increased in the first month of 2015. Net foreign investment in January rose 66 percent to 5 percent than in December, DSE sources said.

dse cseHowever, in January of this year, a total of 228 foreigners invested Tk. 68 crore. the net foreign investment in the previous month  and the turnover was 215 million and 97 million 66 thousand 251 Taka respectively. In January foreign net investment increased by 749 Taka.

Net foreign investment increases the total turnover. In December, the total transaction amount was Tk. 604 crore 75 lakh 75 thousand. In January, the transaction has been reduced to 365 million, 41 million Taka. 17 per cent of the total turnover in the last month or TK. 102 crore 87 lakh 41 thousand.

According to sources, a total of 365 million in January, foreigners bought shares worth Tk 4 lakh 18 thousand 704. In December, the amount of 410 crore 36 lakh 33 thousand 763 Taka. Featured at 136 crore 83 lakh 50 thousand 421 foreigners have sold shares worth. December 51, in the amount of 194 crore 38 lakh 67 thousand Taka.


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