Eastland Ins holds Half-Yearly Managers’ Conference    

The half yearly Managers’ Conference 2014 of Eastland Insurance Company was held on Saturday August 09, 2014 at DCCI Auditorium in Dhaka.

Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman of the company inaugurated the conference. In his inaugural address, the chairman expressed satisfaction on the overall performance made by the branches earning a total premium of about             Tk. 400.00 million as at July end 2014.

image002He further lauded that the company earned net profit after tax amounting to   Tk. 104.00 million and settled claims of Tk. 182 million during the 1st half of 2014. He also appreciated that the company’s total assets that stood at Tk. 1752 million and earning per share (EPS) was 1.93 and NAV was Tk. 20.56 per share half yearly. He thanked the Management for the praise-worthy achievement and launching of stupendous drive for achieving both yearly business and profit target.

He noted that Eastland now ranks one of the top five private sector insurance companies in the country. He called upon the Management to be more up and doing for maintaining company’s up-ward trend of growth and consolidate its image and goodwill by rendering prompt and efficient services to the clients with professional excellence.

Mr. Arun Kumar Saha, Managing Director & CEO while evaluating half yearly performance suggested various guidelines for improving benchmarks in all sectors including business promotion.


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