Exit polls predict AAP victory in Delhi

Delhi went to the polls on Saturday with a record 67.21 per cent of the voters exercising their franchise. Voting for the 70-seat assembly closed at 6pm with voters turning out in large numbers between 3pm to the close.

aap As soon as the voting closed, various agencies which took surveys of exit polls started releasing their predictions.

The following are the exit-poll predictions of four such agencies:

C-Voter: AAP is expected to get 31 to 39 seats, BJP 27 to 35, Congress 2 to 4

ABP-Neilsen: AAP is expected to get 39, BJP 28 and Congress 3

Cicero: AAP is expected to get 39 seats, BJP 26 and Congress 3

News Nation: AAP is expected to get 39 to 43 seats, BJP 25 to 29 and Congress 1 to 3

India News: AAP is expected to get 53 seats, BJP 17, Congress 0



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