Grameen Intel, RRF to rpovide e-agro service

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on Wednesday between Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd. and Rural Reconstruction Fundation (RRF), concerning collaboration for Information Technologies transfer to rural community of Bangladesh.

GISB-RRF MoU signingUnder the agreement, RRF will bring their developmental experiences in its role as implementer for this collaboration. It will assist in designing the services delivery model for both RRF and Grammen Intel. RRF will lead the implementation of the services using their branch offices where the members as well as other farmers can come and receive agriculture and health related services for a lowest possible cost.

Grameen Intel will bring their technology related experience, research and expertise as technical partner and will assist in configuring the logic module, data repository and its eAgro software to be used in existing RRF members as well as other farmers.

Mr. Philip Biswas, Executive Director, RRF and Mr. Pavel Hoq, Chief Operating Officer, GISB signed the agreement. The signing ceremony took place at Grameen Intel’s office at Mohakhali in the capital.

Mr. Philip Biswas said “This project will immensely help farmers getting agri information at their doorsteps using their mobile phones.”

Pavel Hoq said “RRF will be providing IT based agricultural services to their beneficiaries in 7 upazillas of Jessore district through 20 branches using mrittikā, Grameen Intel’s fertilizer recommendation software. We hope to be able to boost productions of about 1500 farmers in those locations the coming season.”

Grameen Intel Social Business is a private limited company organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The company creates software applications that address specific social problems such as low agriculture output or lack of prenatal care. Its solutions are developed within the company and can be coupled with a compact lightweight computing device.

Rural Reconstruction Fundation is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary development organization aims to promote socio-economic emancipation of the underprivileged men, women, children and youths in the Southwestern part of Bangladesh.


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