International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) expressed its deep concern and anxiety with the recent programs of some of the political parties of the country and resultant comments of each other.
Observing these destructive activities of the political parties IBFB is apprehending political instability and destructive activity in the field of trade and commerce like last year which will be detrimental and harmful and hinder the progress of overall economy of the country.
IBFB President Hafizur Rahman Khan, also the Chairman, Runner Group of Companies, in a press release said, we should remember that the existing political problems of the country can never ever be solved through programs like hartal, which is a danger signal for the economy of the country.
Political stability and mutual respect, trust and empathy among the political parties are essential pre-requisites for the economy to flourish. In spite of frequent natural calamities, global economic recession and political unrest of last year Bangladesh has achieved notable progress in the field of social and economic development thanks to the untiring efforts of the business community. All these achievements will be ruined if the country is plunged into political instability again.
IBFB is requesting the political parties to give the top priority to the economic development of the country and shun from all sort of destructive activities.