Plagued by charges of corruption, disaster management and relief minister Mofazzal Hossain Chyowdhury Maya and food minister Qamrul Islam should tender their resignation, says TIB.
The anti-corruption watchdog, Transparency International Bangladesh, maintains that their resignation should have set precedent.

TIB executive director Iftekharuzzaman came up with the suggestion at a briefing on results of a survey on ‘perception of youth about honesty’ at its office on Tuesday.
Dwelling Maya’s corruption case, he said the matter is under the consideration of the court. “So, it can be safely said that had he resigned, it would have set a good example.”
The minister was convicted in a corruption case filed by Anti-Corruption Commission but the High Court later reversed the judgement freeing him. But the Supreme Court recently cancelled the High Court order.
About the wheat scandal involving the food minister, Iftekharuzzaman said so far it is proved that the quality of wheat was not good. “In such circumstances, he should have resigned voluntarily.”
The TIB executive expressed his views that if further investigations prove that they are not responsible, their image would be brightened and the people would accept them.
About the survey, he said Bangladeshi youth have clarity of ideas about corruption. “They have negative perceptions about politics and law enforcement agencies. They believe corruption is rampant in these areas,” Iftekharuzzaman said.
Chairperson of TIB trustee board Sultana Kamal said the youth are being compelled to accept corruption as a reality. “They can’t apply their values in dealing with corruption,” she added.
-Prothom Alo