PPP needed to ensure production, supply of safe food

A combined effort of public-private partnership is needed in food production, inspection, and supply to the consumer level through trusted and committed entrepreneurs, disclosed a seminar on safe food on Thursday.

Speakers at the seminar said even when food is in a safe method, it is contaminated by the use of harmful chemicals and preservatives during the process of supply to consumers. Sometimes it is produced using unsafe chemicals and fertilizers, they said.

The seminar titled ‘’Strengthening smallholder farms and rural enterprises to better cope with climate change in the vulnerable haor regions of Bangladesh’ was held at the conference hall of Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BSFA), in the capital on Thursday.

In a keynote presentation, Dr. Md. Nazim Uddin, senior scientific officer of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute who is in charge of Bangladesh Organic Agriculture Network, highlighted different steps of safe food production, supply, and farm management.

The chairman of BFSA Zakaria, noting some limitations, said, “Mymensingh is home to 60 lakh people. There is only one food safety officer there. Now, it is difficult to ensure food safety for so many people with just one person. And such a situation prevails everywhere.”

He said it is important for those involved in food production to have appropriate knowledge and training. BFSA is arranging online training to provide this training. Those who need it can take training from here.

However, it is necessary to establish a training centre at the initiative of hotel owners to train hotel staff.

He said, “Education is needed for health safety. And a coordinated effort is needed to achieve this education. Our journey has started to ensure safe food, and this journey will continue.”

Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension Md. Shawkat Osman said, there is no alternative to organic fertilizers for safe food production.

However, it is not possible to produce sufficient agricultural products with organic fertilizers alone. Chemical fertilizers are needed. However, organic fertilizers can play a supporting role in this regard, he pointed out.

BSTI Director Md. Saiful Islam said that there is no alternative to social movements to increase food awareness. And political will is required for this social movement.

Because, “We are government employees, we have no power of our own. We have to do what is in the law,” he said mentioning limitation.

Fakir Muhammad Munawar Hossain, director of the National Consumer Rights Protection Department, said that to ensure safe food for consumers, it is necessary to ensure proper implementation of the law and increase social awareness.

“A social movement should be developed for social awareness to take safe food for the safety of health,” he pointed out.

CAB General Secretary Advocate Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan presided over the programme. The event was organized jointly by CAB and Friend In Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) with the support of Welt Hunger Life.


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