Samsung, Excel Telecom celebrate ‘Power of We’

The Leading Mobile Device Distribution Company Excel Telecom has celebrated it’s partnership with world’s number 1 Smartphone Brand Samsung, they named it “The Power of We”. This partnership launching event was held in a five star hotel this evening.

IMG_0814Mr. Salahuddin Alamgir; Chairman Labib Group and Managing Director Excel Telecom, Col.Syed Syedis Sakalayen, PSC; CEO Excel Telecom, Mr.CHOON SOO Moon; Managing Director Samsung Electronics Limited Bangladesh, Mr.YOUNG-WOO LEE; Director Samsung Electronics Limited Bangladesh and Mr. Hasan Mehdi; Head of Mobile were present among others. Member from business community and other key stakeholders were present to grace this Partnership Launching event.

Mr. Salahuddin Alamgir; Chairman Labib Group and Managing Director Excel Telecom, said, “This is a dream comes true to me. As the leading company in mobile device distribution in the country we are very much set to conquer the target we set with Samsung. I believe the ‘The Power of We’ will make the impossible possible.

To comment on this Mr.CHOON SOO Moon; Managing Director Samsung Electronics Limited Bangladesh, said, “We are very much focused with this partnership. Our long-hold expertise in the industry, the number 1 smartphone brand image and our growth strategy with a really exciting product lines are all set to make this partnership a successful one”.


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