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BIAC role in promotion of ADR discussed in city

A meeting on the “Role of BIAC in promotion of ADR” was held on 4th August 2015 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel. Anisul Huq MP, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs was present in this interactive meeting with the business leaders and eminent jurists as the chief guest. The meeting was presided by Chairman, BIAC Mr. Mahbubur Rahman. Welcoming the guest, Mr. Rahman observed that Bangladesh has a burdensome court litigation process that most businesses find frustrating. This is viewed as an impediment to our private sector development. A fundamental requirement for trade and investment to flourish, is quick and cost-effective methods to resolve commercial and investment disputes. Institution like Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) provides this ...

BIAC signs MoU with Apex Group

Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Apex Group of Companies for resolution of commercial dispute (if any) using ADR methods. The Signing Ceremony was held on last Wednesday at the Press 2Head Office of Apex Group in Gulshan, Dhaka. Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman, BIAC and Syed Manzur Elahi, Chairman, Apex Group of Companies signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations. The MoU will provide a framework to facilitate resolution of contractual and commercial disputes (if arises)...
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