Thailand trip for CSE TREC Holders

A total of ten TREC Holders of CSE have won an award under which they are visiting Thailand. The winning TREC Holders had turnover more than Tk 160 crore during the period of September to December 2014.

dse cseLanka Bangla Securities Ltd, BE Rich Ltd, ICB Securities Trading Co. Ltd, Kabir Securities Ltd, Sohel Securities Ltd, International Securities Company Ltd., Meenhar Securities Ltd., AIBL Capital Market Services Ltd., SR Capital Ltd., and Prudential Capital Ltd. representatives are visiting Thailand under the motivation campaign undertaken by CSE.

CSE Managing Director Wali-Ul-Maroof Matin commenting on the trip said, “TREC Holders play a vital role in the capital market. We organized the trip to recognize their enduring role they played during the last few months. We hope not only the winners but also all the TREC Holders will be cheering the initiative and will try to achieve the target for their own organizations.”

The representatives also visited Thailand Stock Exchange during the visit. Experiences had been shared between the officials of two countries during the visit.


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