5th Social Business Day today

The Social Business Day will be organised in Dhaka today with the aim of discussing ways to turn people into entrepreneurs for creating jobs as fighting unemployment has become a daunting task for countries around the world.

The 5th annual event, organised by Yunus Centre, will take place at Radisson Hotel on the theme of “We Are Not Job-Seekers, We Are Job-Givers — Turning Unemployment into Entrepreneurship”.

dr. YunusNobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus will host the event and Kerry Kennedy, president of the Robert F Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, will join the opening session of the daylong event as the keynote speaker.

The event will also be attended by more than 1,000 participants. Of them, 275 are international participants from 31 countries.

The gathering is an opportunity to meet, connect, discuss and collaborate with the global social business community with the purpose of developing effective solutions to solve society’s most pressing problems. The focus of this year’s day is on tackling youth unemployment through social business.

A social business design lab session will be held during the event where social businesses from five countries will be presented. There will be a Social Business Marketplace showcasing social businesses from all over the globe.

A highlight of the day will be special circus performance by Phare Social Business Circus from Cambodia which trains street children to become modern circus artists.

 -The Daily Star


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