ACCA, Robi to develop efficient accountancy professionals

ACCA Bangladesh has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Robi Axiata Ltd to co-operate on the training and development of accountancy professionals.

Mohua Rashid, Country Head of ACCA Bangladesh and Matiul Islam Nowshad, Chief Human Resources Officer of Robi Axiata signed the MoU at the Westin Silver room in the city on Sunday.

ACCA_PicUnder the terms of the MOU, ACCA will support Robi in attracting and retaining talent in the organisation and they will work together on events to promote the finance and business work of both organisations. Robi will provide internship and work attachment opportunities to ACCA students in regular intervals.

Mohua Rashid, Country Head of ACCA Bangladesh said: “This is an exciting development for ACCA and I am glad that we are forging our already strong relationship with Robi Axiata. We will also work together to explore other potential areas where co-operation would be of mutual benefit.”

Matiul Islam Nowshad, Chief Human Resources Officer of Robi Axiata noted:“As a major employer in Bangladesh we are committed to the development of complete finance professionals here in this country – working with ACCA means we are developing the talent pool of our staff, for the benefit of the wider community.”

The MOU is signed is for two years and will have to be renewed hereafter.



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