BA Express Inc inaugurates in USA

BA Express USA Inc, a subsidiary Exchange House of Bank Asia, started operation at Brooklyn of New York in the United States of America (USA) from yesterday (Monday, 21 July, 2014) to provide easy, convenient and cost-effective remittance solution to Bangladeshi community living there.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMr. Md. Shameem Ahsan, Consulate General of Bangladesh in New York, USA was present as chief guest in the inaugural ceremony of new branch of BA Express at Brooklyn. Directors of Bank Asia Mr. Murshed Sultan Choudhury, Ms. Sohana Rouf Chowdhury and former director Mr. Nafees Khundker and President & Managing Director of the Bank Asia and Director of BA Express USA Inc Mr. Md. Mehmood Husain and CEO of BA Express USA Inc., Mr. Minto Saha were also present.

Earlier, on the 1st of June 2014, Mr. Abdul Momen Permanent Representative of Bangladesh in United Nations opened the first BA Express at Jamaica of New York where Mr. A Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of Bank Asia and BA Express USA Inc., Mr. Mohd. Safwan Choudhury and Mr. AM Nurul Islam Vice Chairmen of Bank Asia, among other dignitaries, was present.

It is mentionable that Bangladeshis who are living in and around New York mainly in Jamaica and Brooklyn and don’t have sufficient cost-effective medium to send remittance to Bangladesh will be well facilitated by these two BA Express remittance houses.


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