The streets and sites of Capital Dhaka & Port City Chittagong are now open for anyone to roam virtually – thanks to Google Street View. Initially Dhaka, Chittagong and Dhaka-Chittagong highway open for viewing
Google Street View, a free map-based service from Google that provides panoramic views from streets and sites, is widely popular amongst the travels and tech enthusiast worldwide.
A good portion of Dhaka and Chittagong cities has been already covered in the street view service. More locations are to be added soon.
Hasan Shahed, the chief executive manager of Mapping Bangladesh and regional expert reviewer at Google Map Maker, confirmed it to The Daily Star.
“So far Dhaka city, Chittagong city, Dhaka Chittagong highway has been covered. We plan to cover the divisions and then the districts,” Hasan said.
Hasan and the band of volunteers of Mapping Bangladesh (‘citizen cartographers’ as they refer themselves) worked relentlessly with Google to bring the best possible views for the Google Street View Service.
Google officially started its Google Street View project of Bangladesh on November 5, 2012.
Courtesy: The Daily Star