Bank Asia Agent Banking outlet at Banderban

In a move to financial inclusion of remote rural people in hill district, Bank Asia opened an agent banking outlet at Balaghata of Banderban district on Friday (13th November 2015).

State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Bir Bahadur U Shwe Sing,M.P. inaugurated the

new outlet in Balaghata Bazar in presence of Mr. Md. Arfan Ali, Deputy Managing Director of Bank Asia. Mr. Md. Mizanul Huq Chowdhury, District Commissioner (DC) Banderban, Mr. Md Mizanur Rahman, Superintendent of Police and Mr. Abdul Quddus, Chairman, Banderban Sadar Upazila Parishad were present.

Bank Asia, pioneer in agent banking in Bangladesh, has been expanding agent banking services all over Bangladesh as a part of financial inclusion of unbanked population.


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