As a part of Bank Asia’s venture to direct loan disbursement, Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary Mr. Md. AbulKalam Azad and Chairman of the Bank Mr. A Rouf Chowdhury are handing over micro credit ‘sanction letter’ to one of a Ten-Taka-Account-Holders of the Bank at a function of Agent Banking held at Abdullahpur Union Digital Center Outlet in Tongibari Upazila of Munshigonjdistrict on Saturday (19th December, 2015).
Governor of Bangladesh Bank Dr. Atiur Rahman, Chairman of Board Executive Committee of Bank Asia Mr. Rumee A. Hossain, Policy Advisor of Access to Information (a2i) Project of the Government Mr. Anir Chowdhury and Deputy Managing Directors of Bank Asia Mr. Md. Arfan Ali and Mr. Mohammed ZahirulAlam are seen in the program.