Bay of Bengal Business Forum launched

The “Bay of Bengal Business Forum” – a new initiative to enhance business relationships and regional cooperation among the nations in the region and the world was organized on 12th March 2016 in Andaman & Nicobar Islands-India. Mr. Mayeen Chowdhury, Managing Director of Khan Bahadur Group and Member of International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) represented Bangladesh in the forum where it was opined that the business potentials of the Isles can be developed and taken to higher level.

Initiated by the US Consulate of Chennai (Department of Commerce), “Bay of Bengal Business imageForum” was organized by the Andaman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, at Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands-India.  The high profile business forum, first of its kind, was inaugurated by Mr. Raajiv Yaduvanshi, Chief Secretary (i/c), A&N Administration.

Addressing the select gathering of 15 delegates from US companies and representatives from the participating countries in the daylong seminar, Mr. Mayeen Chowdhury spoke about the business potential of Bangladesh which can be developed and taken to a higher level for the benefits of all the stakeholders. Developing business with the countries of Bay of Bengal region would be opening great opportunities for the business fraternity and economic development. He explained how several initiatives can have tremendous potentials and possibilities for various businesses to connect globally. Mr. Mayeen Chowdhury highlighted the major areas such as Port, Marine products, Power and energy, infrastructure development and other sectors which can be tapped in the near future as these sectors have huge potentials to emerge in the coming days.

The Bay of Bengal Business Forum mainly focused on connecting and building regional ties with other countries in the emerging cross world business. The forum, a significantly informative and useful business forum organized in India, discussed about the brass tacks of business with the coastal countries of Bay Bengal such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Bangladesh etc. The aim of the forum is to explore business opportunities with the neighboring countries and to connect with each other.


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