BCIM corridor beneficial for region’s economy: survey

An economic corridor comprising Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar (BCIM) will benefit the region’s economy and help resolve contentious issues of these countries with neighbours, says a survey.

Almost 89 per cent of the respondents said that the BCIM has the potential to benefit the region’s economy, while 85 per cent are of the view that it could be an effective multilateral forum to help India tackle its bilateral problems with immediate neighbours.

bcimAccording to the survey, conducted by Centre for Environment Social and Policy Research (CESPR), 88 per cent of the respondents also considered that serious human security issues like weapons and drugs smuggling could be better addressed through a multilateral forum like BCIM than at a bilateral level.

The people of the region also do not consider China to be a real threat towards the region with 86 per cent of the respondents of the view that it would not misuse the Bangladesh China India Myanmar (BCIM) economic corridor with such fears overplayed by certain sections, CESPR coordinator Sabita Devi said.

Over 84 per cent respondents were of the opinion that the BCIM could generate much economic activities and it could help control the chronic insurgencies of the region by providing viable livelihoods.

Besides, 86 per cent of the respondents said that India should agree to open the BCIM highway starting from Kolkata and passing through Bangladesh and Northeast Indian states of Assam and Manipur.

-Business Standard


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