BCL men beat up 3 senior students at JU

Some junior Bangladesh Chhatra league (BCL) activists of Shaheed Rafiq Jabbar Hall of Jahangirnagar University (JU) beat up 3 senior students of its respective hall on Thursday.

Sources said, Indrojit Voumik Shawon, Md. Shajahan Badsha final year student of History department with their female friend were chating at the guest room of their dorms.

11537706_1610023589278978_2955386159950965626_nMeantime, Kamrul Hasan, executive member of JU unit BCL, abused them as why they were sat on there comfortly. Then, Shawon asked to him their identities but he engaged with quarrel them.

Later, Kamrul with his followers came and started beating them mercilessly without any reason, the female friend of Shawon tried save them, but they also assaulted her.

The assaulted female students said, though giving our identities as seniors but they beat up ours.

The three students were injured and rushed to Enam Medical College Hospital for better treatement after primary medical treatment was given at the university medical centre.

When contacted the accusead BCL Leader Kamrul Hasan said, when I enter the guest room they attacked me.
Provost of Rafiq Jabbar hall Prof Abu Dayen said, we have taken proper steps after investigation.

-Assad, JU Correspondent


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