Country to see bone marrow transplant by mid-March

For the first time, the country is going to achieve the rare feat of bone marrow transplantation by mid-March, said Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim on Sunday.

“It’ll be a milestone in the treatment of blood cancer and thalassemia in the country,” he said when a delegation of Massachusetts GeneralHospital of the USA met him at his office, reports UNB.

bone-marrow-transplant The delegation informed the minister of various aspects of the bone marrow transplant unit set up at DhakaMedicalCollegeHospital with the assistance of the US hospital.

Pledging to provide all sorts of support to run the activities of the unit, the minister said the common people will be benefited from the government level initiative. “It’s the manifestation of government’s initiative to reach the health care services to the people’s doorsteps.”

Usually, patients with blood cancer and thalassemia go abroad for treatment which is very expensive, Nasim said, adding: “But, now they will receive treatment in the country at a low cost.”


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