Popular Fast food chain brand ‘Fry Bucket’ has launched three more outlets in the capital recently. Animesh Saha, Executive Director of Fry Bucket, inaugurated the outlets at Mirpur-2, Begum Rokeya Sarani of Shewrapara and Shahid Baki Road of Khilgaon. Anisul Islam, Head of Marketing of Fry Bucket, Rashedul Alam, Head of Operation and others, were present at the opening ceremony.
With this new outlets, Fry Bucket now has a total of nine outlets in Dhaka including Badda, Mohammadpur, Hatirpool, Bashundhara, Moghbazar and Banasree.
PRAN Group, the country’s leading food manufacturer, brought this fast-food brand to serve a variety of fast-food items, including fried chicken, burger, Korean chicken, rice meal, beverages for fast-food lovers.
Animesh Saha said, “We are committed to delivering high-quality foods and exceptional service for the customers. Meanwhile Fry Bucket is getting good response from the food lovers and we are trying to launch new outlets across the capital.”