IBBL holds half-yearly Business Dev Confce

Deposit and investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) stood at Tk. 596,489 and 497,620 millions respectively till June 30, 2015, which are 13.5% and 12% more in comparison to those of same time of the previous year. The bank has conducted import and export business amounting Tk. 171,704 and 110,640 million respectively while handled foreign remittance of Tk. 165,797 million in the same period.

04This information was disclosed at inaugural session of half-yearly business development conference of the bank held on August 1, 2015 at Muhammad Younus Auditorium of Islami Bank Tower. Engr. Mustafa Anwar, Chairman of the Bank was present as chief guest in the conference. Presided over by Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director, Muhammad Abul Bashar, Md. Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan, FCA, Md. Mahbub-ul-Alam, Rafi Ahmed Begh, Abdus Sadeque Bhuiyan and Md. Shamsuzzaman, Deputy Managing Directors along with Head Office executives were present in the conference. Head of 14 zones and selected branches of the Bank participated in the program.

Engr. Mustafa Anwar as chief guest said, Islami Bank was introduced in order to establish a financial system based on justice. The Bank has been playing role for the development of the country’s industry, agriculture, infrastructure, trade and commerce and overall living standard of the people through the welfare oriented financial services. He said, Islami Bank is now the 954th top bank of the world and only bank from Bangladesh. He directed the bank executives and officials to contribute more for the wellbeing of 16 crore people of the country by complying Shariah and banking rules.

Mohammad Abdul Mannan in his presidential speech said, Islami Bank has been contributing to the progress of the national economy through real asset based banking activities. The bank encourages all welfare oriented initiatives in order to fulfill the objectives of Islamic Shariah in financial sector. He urged all Zonal Heads and Branch managers to keep role in developing the living standard of the people by priority financing in the need based and productive sectors of the country.


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