IBBL provides ATM service at DITF

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd (IBBL) has been providing ATM service at Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF). Customers of the banks are using the ATM booth installed at IBBL pavilion for withdrawing and depositing money at DITF premises.

DSC_0023Sells of goods has been increased following the rush of people at the last few days of the fair. Clients of Islami Bank are withdrawing money from the booth for buying their desired products.

A good number of local people and foreigners are seen withdrawing money frequently for fulfilling their needs. Smiling face of customers is seen after getting money from close to hand. A deposit machine has also been installed beside the ATM booth. Several sellers of the fair are depositing money at the end of their daily business. The ATM booth and deposit machine have been set up in a corner of the beautiful pavilion.

The clients of Islami Bank can withdraw money from more than 2000 ATM booths including 500 own network of the country.


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