A meeting of the Shari`ah Supervisory Committee of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited was held on June 11, 2015 Thursday at Islami Bank Tower. Sheikh Moulana Mohammad Qutubuddin, Chairman of the Committee and President of Baitush Sharaf Anjuman-E-Ittehad Bangladesh presided over the meeting. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of the Bank were present in the meeting.
Mufti Sayed Ahmad, Vice-Chairman of the Committee and Mufti of Al Jamiatus Siddikiah Darul Ulum (Madrasha-e-Furfura Sharif), Dr. Abu Bakr Rafique, Member Secratery and Professor, Internatioal Islamic University Chittagong, Mohammad Siriajul Islam, Ex-Principal, Madrasha-E-Mesbahul Ulum, Dhaka, Abdur Raquib, Former Executive President of the Bank, Mufti Shamsuddin Zia, Mufti and Muhaddis, Al-Jamiatul Islamia, Potya, Chittagong, Moulana Abdus Shaheed Naseem, President, Bangladesh Quran Shikkha Society, Dr. Hasan Mohd. Moinuddin, Associate Professor of International Islamic University Chittagong, Dr. A.S.M. Toriqul Islam, Professor, Islamic University, Kustia, Dr. Mohammad Abdus Samad, Associate Professor, International Islamic University Chittagong, Dr. Mohammad Manzur-e-Elahi, Associate Professor, National University and Moulana Mohiuddin Rabbani, Principal, Darul Quran Madrasa, Members of Shair’ah Supervisory Committee, Md. Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan, FCA, Deputy Managing Director, Md. Shamsul Huda and Mohammed Shahid Ullah, ACA, Executive Vice Presidents of the Bank were also present in the meeting.
The meeting took various decisions on compliance of Shari`ah and expressed satisfaction in overall activities of the Bank.