The approved assistance from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to Bangladesh is likely to reach $ 880 million against eight projects in sectors like human resource development and vocational training in the current fiscal year (2014-‘15).
Out of the expected assistance, the Jeddah-based lending agency has recently agreed to come up with project assistance worth $ 115 million to Bangladesh in two projects to support low-cost housing and water supply and sanitation in the country’s selected municipalities, said officials at the Economic Relations Division (ERD), UNB reports.
Of the amount, the IDB would provide about $ 30 million for the proposed low-cost housing project and about $ 85 million for Pourashava Water Supply & Sanitation Project.
Talking to UNB, an ERD official said an IDB fact-finding mission, headed by its manager of the Urban Development & Services Division Idrissa Dia, visited Bangladesh from January 11-16 and held meetings with various stakeholders of the two proposed projects.
The mission held a meeting with the Local Government Division Secretary on January 15.
Under the housing project, some 514 low-cost flats sizing between 450-525 square feet would be distributed among the 3rd and 4th class employees in different areas under the Gazipur, Jessore and Faridpur municipalities, according to the ERD official.
Under the water supply and sanitation project, he said, tube-wells, pumps, groundwater treatment plants, surface water treatment plants, overhead water reservoirs, pipelines, water meters, public toilets, community toilets, drains and solid waste management would be installed in the country’s 23 pourashavas.
Another official at the ERD said the government has already struck deals worth $ 264 million in Jeddah with the IDB for the two projects.
Of the amount, he said, $ 44 million loan deal for the ‘Regional Submarine Telecommunications Project’ was signed on August 27, 2014 while another $ 220 million loan deal was signed on October 19, 2014 for the ‘Power Grid Expansion Project’.
The IDB’s portfolio in Bangladesh now consists of 14 projects worth around $ 1014 million, including the ones in agriculture, education, rural development and power and energy. The portfolio includes $ 140 million IDB credit assistance for the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, which the government later decided to build with its own fund.
The ongoing IDB-assisted projects are Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity Building Project (IDB funding $ 9.56mn), Greater Rajshahi Division Integrated Rural development Project (IDB financing $ 19.90mn), Enhancing Quality Seeds Supply project ($ 35mn, IDB), Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Cyclone Prone Coastal Areas ($ 14.84mn, IDB), Government Primary School Construction Project ($18mn, IDB).
The IDB financed projects also include Ashuganj Power Station Efficiency Improvement Project, Construction of Bhola 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant project, Enhancing the Learning Environment of Selected Madrasa in Bangladesh project, Agriculture Support for Small Holders in South Western Region, Sylhet Power Efficiency Enhancement Project and ‘Rural Electrification Expansion Barisal Division Program-1.