IEEE AIUB Student Branch held

IEEE AIUB Student Branch held “Members Orientation 2015” on 31st January 2015 in AIUB Auditorium. The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology with more than 400,000 members across over 160 countries and around 2000 student branches. With over 200 student members, IEEE AIUB Student Branch is the biggest among all other student branches under Bangladesh Section.

10966891_10202931786370471_1247326956_nDr. A.B.M Siddique Hossain, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Mr. Farhadur Arifin, Assistant professor and the Counselor of IEEE AIUB Student Branch officially began the Orientation and appreciated IEEE AIUB Student Branch for being an effective medium between the students and the global scope of Engineering.

Nasim Al Islam, Vice Chairperson of 2014 and newly appointed Chairperson of 2015 gave an informative presentation about IEEE, its operations, affinity groups and societies for better understanding of the student members. Also, several video presentations reflected IEEE AIUB Student Branch’s entire journey.

Women In Engineering (WIE) wing was announced with 3 female student coordinators under the supervision of Tasnuva Tasneem, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering who gave a speech on the empowerment of female engineering students nationally and globally.

Crests were awarded to the Executives of 2014 and to the faces behind the success of IEEE AIUB Student Branch in recognition of their hard work and support. A special token of appreciation was handed over to Mr. Nafiz Ahmed Chisty, Assistant Professor & Special Assistant of Department of EEE, who was with IEEE for last 5 years & always been a dedicated well-wisher of IEEE AIUB Student Branch.

Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Assistant professor and Mentor of IEEE AIUB Student Branch and Md. Saniat Rahman Zishan, Assistant Professor and Special Assistant (OSA) declared the new Executive body of 2015 where new faces and posts were introduced. Mr. Shahriyar Hasan, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering was announced as the Motivator of IEEE AIUB SB. Member IDs were distributed and the event ended with group photo sessions. Several Faculty members of the Faculty of Engineering also attended the event.


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