Islami Com Ins holds Branch Manager Confce

Branch Manager Conference-2015 of Islami Commercial Insurance Co. Ltd. was held recently at Dhaka Club.The Hon’ble Chairman of the Board of Directors Janab Al-haj Md. Anowar Hossain, Directors Janab M. Kamaluddin Chowdhury, Janab Mir Nazim Uddin Ahmed Managing Director & CEO. Managing Director were present on the occasion. An elaborate discussion was made on the performance of image001business operation upto December-2014 and future plan for the year.

The Chief Guest in his deliberation has emphasized on regular communication with existing and potential clients of the Company and advised the Branch In-charges to deliver efficient custmor service & to work with honesty and dedication for mobilization of business. Janab Md. Anowar Hossain, Chairman of the Board of Directors has expected his satisfaction on the progress so far achieved and urged upon the Branch Managers to work hard with more vigor and enthusiasm for attainment of the common goal.

Branch In-charges alongwith Senior Executives of Head Office of the Company were also present on the occasion.


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