ITHS organizes Iftar Reception

International Turkish Hope School (ITHS) has organized an ‘Iftar Reception’ for its parents, faculty and well-wishers and the renowned government officials at a city hotel recently.

The program commenced with a welcome speech from the Chairman of ITHS, Bedrettin Suata and a video highlighting academic excellence, achievements and prospects of ITHS.

iths 03-07
Prof Dr Gowher Rizvi, Advisor for International Affairs and Special Representatives of the Prime Minister Skeikh Hasina receiving a Crest Of Honour at an ‘Iftar Reception’ programme organized by International Turkish Hope School at a city hotel recently.

Prof Dr Gowher Rizvi, Advisor for International Affairs and Special Representatives of the Prime Minister Skeikh Hasina was the Chief Guest. The Advisor has addressed the audience with a poignant speech. In his speech, he wholeheartedly thanked ITHS family to invite him. Also, he highly appreciated the Chairman and all other members of ITHS to run such a school in Bangladesh.

He mentioned that he is a great fan and admirer of this school and expects to see more of its branches in different parts of the country. He also praised all students of ITHS for their efforts and success in the academic field.

Md. Motahhar Hussain, Chairman standing committee for the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, in his keynote, expressed his gratitude to the overwhelming hospitality and contributions of ITHS family in the developments of education system. He hoped that the ages old relationship between Turkey and Bangladesh would last the longest.

Major General Mohd. Habibur Rahman Khan, Executive Chairman, BEPZA, Prime Minister office was also present as a special guest of the night.

ITHS showed its appreciation and gratitude to the chief and the special guests by presenting them with crests for their notable contribution to education. The program was concluded with a presentation that depicted the school’s active participation in cultural programs propelling the recognition of Bengali culture on an international platform during dinner.


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