Lafarge Surma signs deal with Metrocem

Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd signed a toll grinding agreement with Metrocem Cement Ltd. today (22 July, 2014, Tuesday) at a ceremony organized at the company’s headquarters in Dhaka.

Lafarge Singing Photo 1Under this agreement, Lafarge Surma Cement will provide high quality clinker from its fully integrated cement plant at Chhatak to Metrocem Cement, which will then produce a world class Portland Composite Cement brand for Lafarge Surma Cement. This will be subject to strict quality control by employees of Lafarge Surma Cement to ensure world class quality that the Company promises to deliver to its customers. Furthermore, under the agreement, the production process will follow the highest safety standards.

On this occasion, the CEO of Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd., Tarek Elba said, “This agreement opens a new opportunity to enhance our product portfolio to better serve our valued customers and demonstrates our commitment to Bangladesh market. We are delighted to be associated with Metrocem Cement and we are confident that this brand will exceed our customers’ expectations.” From Metrocem Cement, Managing Director Md. Shahidullah said, “We are confident that this partnership with Lafarge Surma will yield positive results as we draw upon their international experience in cement manufacturing, resulting in a win-win deal for both parties”

Tarek Elba, CEO of Lafarge Surma Cement and Md. Shahidullah, Managing Director of Metrocem Cement signed the agreement on behalf of their companies. From Lafarge Surma Cement, Finance Director Masud Khan and Marketing Director Shamarukh Fakhruddin, and from Metrocem Cement, CLPD Director Md. Ataur Rahman, Plants Operation Director Md. Rakib Ullah, Marketing and Sales Director Md. Ataullah and Marketing Director Md. Rafiq Ullah along with other high officials of both the companies were present during the signing ceremony.


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