Myanmar trades the least with Bangladesh

Myanmar exchanged the least border trade with Bangladesh among its four neighboring countries in this fiscal year, according to Myanmar Ministry of Commerce.

bdesh-myanmar-flagThe country’s border trade with four neighboring countries such as China, India, Thailand and Bangladesh in FY 2013-14 from April 1 to November 11 received $ 2.7 billion, with the border trade with Bangladesh only receiving around $ 6 million.

The ministry said Myanmar exchanged the most border trade with China, followed by Thailand as the second largest.

During the period, the country traded with Bangladesh through two border trade centers such as Sittwe and Maungdaw, receiving just $ 6.806 million from the border trade, which amounted only 0.2 percent of total border trade done in all border trade centers.

The country exported mainly agro-products, minerals, animal products, wood products and industrial products through its border trade centers with the neighboring countries and imported consumer products, raw materials and industrial equipment.


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