PM for speedy completion of Doha Round

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today called upon the World Trade Organization (WTO) to play its due role for speedy completion of Doha Round in the greater interest of the least developed countries (LDCs).

“It is the right time for completion of the Doha Round, and Bangladesh would extend its allout support to this end,” she said when WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo paid a courtesy call on the Prime Minister at her office here this morning, reports BSS.

sheikh-hasina_25The Prime Minister said with the implementation of Doha Round, the export of the LDCs will be boosted to a great extent and it will ultimately benefit the rural people of those countries. “That’s why we need speedy completion of the Doha Round,” she said.

After the meeting, PM’s Deputy Press Secretary Bijan Lal Dev briefed reporters.

Sheikh Hasina also said the completion of the Doha Round would pave the way for getting duty and quota-free market access of the LDCs to the developed countries.

The WTO director general said Bangladesh is an inspiration of the LDCs in the WTO negotiation. “You have a strong leadership and influential position among the LDCs,” he said, adding it is very critical to the rights of the LDCs in global trade.

Highly appreciating Bangladesh’s stunning success in the field of economy, Azevedo said: “Bangladesh is doing a lot of progress in economy in recent time.”

He said under the leadership of Bangladesh, the economy of the LDCs has improved a lot. “This spirit will have to be upheld,” he said.

The WTO DG said Bangladesh has played an important role in the Bali Ministerial Conference held in December last year.

He said duty-and-quota-free access is important to the developing and more developing countries and they deserve it.

Azevedo said Bangladesh is highly equipped to the negotiation process of different issues including duty and quota- free market access. “We are in track to get it done,” he said.

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, Ambassador-At-Large M Ziauddin, PM’s Principal Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikdar and Deputy Press Secretary Bijan Lal Dev and Bangladesh’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva Abdul Hannan were present on the occasion, among others.


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